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The Diocese of Coventry

Multi Academy Trust

Together, pursuing life in all its fullness

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Director Recruitment

About The Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust

The Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust was incorporated in 2013 and is one of over 2,300 Multi Academy Trusts in England. The trust is now home to twenty two academies spread across the Diocese of Coventry. This scale makes us one of the 70 largest multi academy trusts in the country.

The core mission of the Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust is to build a better future for all within our academies who in turn will positively impact their communities. Each academy is an inclusive environment supporting pupils from all faiths and none, reflecting the communities each academy serves. The Trust is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all the pupils and staff within the academy trust and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

The Trust's team has delivered growth and tangible academy improvement, evidenced by favourable Ofsted and SIAMS outcomes and progress toward achieving a minimum of 'Good' rating across all schools.

The Trust's commitment to strategic alignment and governance excellence underscores its dedication to providing excellent education and support for its diverse community of schools.

The Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust is looking for at least two new Trustees who share and can display their Christian values and who have experience in educational leadership to play a pivotal role on the Board.


Role Specification

Directors of the Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust play a pivotal leadership as the Governing Body, ensuring the proper governance of the Trust and securing its long-term future.

The Directors play a pivotal role by setting the Trust’s strategic direction, overseeing performance and risk, and ensuring regulatory and legal compliance. Additionally, they will promote effective governance by delegating authority appropriately and ensuring access to essential skills and external expertise.

Directors must enhance the Christian distinctiveness of the Trust. 


Person Specification

We are interested in candidates who have experience in one or more of the following:

  • Operational management (e.g. ICT services, premises maintenance and data protection)
  • Development and monitoring of Distinctive Christian Vision and academic and spiritual development
  • Monitoring of Quality of Education, monitoring of SEND, attendance, exclusions, complaints and behaviour


Additionally, the candidate should:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of upholding the Christian character and Anglican foundation of the Trust
  • Demonstrate the skills necessary to understand and develop a distinctively Christian vision
  • Be willing to work in partnership with the Diocese
  • Understand and actively contribute to the Section 48 inspection process.


Directors will be comfortable with high levels of accountability for the progress of over 5,000 children. They must enhance the Christian distinctiveness of the Trust, with preference given to those who are members of the Church of England or align closely with its values. 


Board Composition

For more information on the current Chair and Governing Body members, please visit here

Terms of Appointment

This role is unremunerated, however reasonable, pre-agreed travel expenses can be reimbursed. Board meets six times per year, mostly virtually, plus an in person AGM and strategy day.  Directors also participate in at least one Board committee, meeting virtually up to 6 times per year. Meetings typically last around 90 minutes.

The appointment is for a four year term, renewable at the Board's discretion.


The Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust welcomes applications from everyone regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, belief or disability. All appointments will be made on merit, following a fair and transparent process. In line with the Equality Act 2010, however, the organisation may employ positive action where candidates from underrepresented groups can demonstrate their ability to perform the role equally well.


Please contact if you are interested in this opportunity.
After an informal conversation with the Chair of the Board, we will ask you to complete an application pack, after which you may be invited to interview for the post.

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