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The Diocese of Coventry

Multi Academy Trust

Together, pursuing life in all its fullness

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Trust Governance

The Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust was incorporated in February 2013 and is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity.


Governance is underpinned by a common understanding about who is responsible for providing valuable input to decision making and who has the decision making responsibility. This is set out in the Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust Scheme of Delegation.


Effective governance in the Trust is supported by:

  • The Members – the guardians of governance

  • The Board (Directors/Trustees) – responsible for the strategic oversight and performance of the Trust and its academies.  The Board hold legal accountability for all aspects of operational delivery and are required to have systems to assure themselves of the quality, safety and good practice of the affairs of the Trust.

  • Board Committees – responsible for providing review, scrutiny and discussion of key areas and ensuring the Board has sufficient understanding and oversight.

  • Academy Governance Committees (AGCs) – these committees work at local level to: providing support, monitoring and challenge around educational experience and performance; church, community and stakeholder engagement and supporting alignment with Trust strategy, approach, ethos and values.

  • The Trust Leadership Team – this team is responsible for the educational and operational outcomes for the Trust as set out by the Board. The CEO is the Accounting Officer and has personal responsibility to the ESFA and the DfE.

  • Headteachers - have responsibility for the performance and defined operational activity areas in an academy in line with Trust strategy, approach, ethos and values. 

The Trust’s model of governance recognises the overall responsibility of the Trust Board and the valuable input of it’s non-executive volunteer Directors and AGC members.

More detail on the Trust governance structures is included in the Governance Structures and Governance summary documents on the Multi Academy trust Information page, click here


Dates of Meetings for 2024-25 are:

BoardBusiness & Finance CommitteeEducation & Ethos CommitteePeople & Pay CommitteeAudit & Risk CommitteeTrust Governance Committee
12.12.2427.11.2402.12.2412.11.24 (Pay)11.03.2525.02.25

16.12.24 (AGM)

29.01.2527.01.2526.11.24 (CEO Pay)24.06.2517.06.25



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