Our Vision and Ethos
A document setting out 'Our Christian Ethos' is available as a download from here:
Multi Academy Trust Information | The Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust (covmat.org)
Our Vision & Ethos
The Core Mission of the Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust is to build a better future for all within our Academies who in turn will positively impact their communities.
Together, pursuing ‘life in all its fullness’ (based on John 10, 10)
Our Commitment
All Academies in the Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust will be recognised for their distinctive and inclusive Christian ethos and for the impact that this has on raising educational standards. Each Academy will demonstrate its Christian distinctiveness by providing an inspirational and holistic education which enables all children and staff to develop and achieve to their full potential.
We will achieve our aims by ensuring that Academies within the Trust are:
- Transformational
- Aspirational
- Sustainable
- Motivational
- Purposeful
Our Aspirational and Measurable Outcomes are:
- Every school to be judged good or outstanding by Ofsted
- All Academies are to be judged good or excellent at SIAMS (Section 48 Inspections)
- Every child is expected to make progress at least in line with, and for many, above national expectations.
- Every Academy is to be well led and governed
- All teachers are motivated to self-improve and aspire to excellence
To be achieved by collaborative working between our schools, focussing upon:-
- Excellence in teaching and learning through consistently strong, skilled and sustainable leadership
- Every child and adult to know they are unique and special - loved and cherished by God; valued and accepted in the Trust family; important and strategic in God’s plan
- Children, families and staff developing and thriving through their knowledge and understanding of Christian values
- Children and young people being taught to become resilient, reflective and articulate thinkers able to be creative, to reason and to become positive members of their community
- Creating cultures that support children and adults to achieve and succeed.