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The Diocese of Coventry

Multi Academy Trust

Together, pursuing life in all its fullness

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The Trust Members

The members of the Multi Academy Trust enter into the funding agreement with the Secretary of State and are legally responsible both to the Secretary of State and to parents and pupils for the running of the Academy Trust and the academies within the Trust. They are also responsible for holding the directors to account for the running of the Trust. 

The functions of the members of the Academy Trust include:


  • Overseeing the achievement of the objectives of the company
  • Taking part in annual and extraordinary general meetings
  • Appointing and/or removing directors
  • Appointing the auditors
  • Signing off the company’s financial accounts and annual report
  • Power to amend the Articles of the company or close the company


There are four Members of the Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust:

The Bishop of Coventry

April Gold - The Diocesan Board of Education (Corporate Member)

April is Diocesan Director of Education for Coventry Diocese, and a Self Supporting Curate in Hillmorton Parish, Rugby. She was previously Deputy Director of Education and has a broad range of experience in supporting schools, parishes and churches to provide distinctively Christian education. She was previously a Deputy Head Teacher in a large Secondary School in Rugby, and has worked in education for 27 years.

April holds qualifications in Theology, Educational Leadership and Management, Christian Counselling and Psychology and is passionate about enabling all members of school communities to flourish as they pursue an education for life in all its fullness. April is a trustee of Nicholas Chamberlain School Foundation, Coventry Diocesan Board of Finance, and Together for Change.

April holds a vision for Church Schools rooted in Matthew 5:13-16 calling them to be distinctive in how they live and raise up a new generation of young people who are sent out to shine the light of Christ into the world as they use their gifts and talents to embody the Kingdom of God in their communities. April hopes to encourage children and their parish communities to to work together as world changers.


Archdeacon - The Venerable Barry Dugmore

As Archdeacon Missioner, Barry plays a key part in the leadership of Coventry Diocese.  Originally Barry graduated from the Royal Society of Chemistry, achieving chartered chemist status whilst working for ICI as a research technician and then research chemist.  Barry's faith grew through his involvement in a worship band and he became a worship leader and preacher.  Barry was ordained in Portsmouth Diocese in 2001. Prior to taking up the role of Archdeacon Missioner for Coventry Diocese, Barry was Mission Enabler for Exeter Diocese.


Appointed Member - Mike Draper

Mike has an engineering background, completing first an apprenticeship and then a Mechanical Engineering degree while working at Courtaulds Engineering, later known as CEL International.

Mike then retrained while still with CEL and took on responsibility for health and safety in a wide variety of design and construction projects. Mike now works for Volvo Group in Warwick where he is the head of their Safety, Health and Environment team for the UK business. Mike became a Governor at Blue Coat C of E School in 2010 and joined the Diocesan Board of Education in 2013 and was appointed Vice Chair in 2018. Mike was a Churchwarden for St Stephens in Canley from 2011 to 2018.

Persons with Significant Control (PSC)


  • Coventry Diocesan Board of Education (RLE)
  • The Bishop of Coventry in a corporate role (RLE)

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